Monday 25 April 2011

Finishing Off Unfinished Work

Well as my granddaughters are only 5+ weeks away, I thought I better get my butt into gear and finish off all the projects I have partly finished. I have now completed 2 crocheted cot blankets, 2 beanies, 2 pairs of booties, a set comprising a dress, bonnet and booties, and I made a tiny teddy to go with it.

At the moment I am knitting a jacket, beanie and booties. After this lot I think I will stick to sewing some things. I have to make the play mats, bibs, and what ever else I fine in my books to sew. I have included the pictures of my latest work.

1 comment:

  1. What lucky grand babies you are going to have. I think that the beautiful things you have made will be treasured forever.
