Monday 25 April 2011

Finishing Off Unfinished Work

Well as my granddaughters are only 5+ weeks away, I thought I better get my butt into gear and finish off all the projects I have partly finished. I have now completed 2 crocheted cot blankets, 2 beanies, 2 pairs of booties, a set comprising a dress, bonnet and booties, and I made a tiny teddy to go with it.

At the moment I am knitting a jacket, beanie and booties. After this lot I think I will stick to sewing some things. I have to make the play mats, bibs, and what ever else I fine in my books to sew. I have included the pictures of my latest work.

Friday 22 April 2011

I found my old quilt

Well I have been sorting out my study....which has now turned into a work room. The pictures are what it looks like now. I like how its all in one place, plus I have a nice work table for all the other jobs of cutting etc I need to do.

While I was sorting out the room I found an old quilt I was making when I was about 12. It is all paper templates, tacked and then stitched together by hand. So I am thinking of using this as a centre piece in a quilt for either a cot or single bed for one of my grandchildren. Looking at it now, my tastes have certainly changed, I would not use some of those colours now. But I am amazed I could sew so well at that age.....its quite good and has lasted for the 37 years its been stuck in a plastic bag. I must have been pretty cluey back

I am resizing some patterns out of a book....the old fashioned way. of drawing the squares and enlarging them, then drawing the image in the squares.....very tedious but effective.

Thursday 14 April 2011

I have here the Rocking Cradle that my husband made, and the accessory kit that comes with each cradle. I had a little trouble with it, I found using toy filling made it too thick and this made it too narrow to fit the base of the cradle. So I unstuffed it and used quilting batting, which turned out great. The sheets and pillow where perfect. But the quilt I will have to make wider, the length is fine. I guess its not bad for a first attempt. I'll be glad when I get my Embroidery machine then I can just stitch a design on the quilt, like butterflies, etc, instead of trying to work out what to add to it. 

I am also knitting some things for my two unborn granddaughters. I have done 2 pairs of Booties, 2 Beanies, 2 crocheted blankets, and now I am doing the back of one of the dresses. So I have another dress, 2 bonnets and 2 pairs of booties to finish before they start arriving next month and the month after. So I better get a move on I

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Just some of the things I have made.

April 14th 2011

I have just finished making a mattress, quilt, 2 sheets and pillow for the Rocking cradle my husband has made. This cradle is a gift for one of our unborn granddaughters (our son and his wife). For our daughter we made a Rocking Horse, which has been passed down through 3 children and will now be used for number four.

My husband and I love making wooden toys and we hope to set it up as hobby. We have been trying to do this for years, but something or other has always gotten in the way. Every Birthday or Christmas I would give my husband tools for his hobby, he has almost everything he needs now. Now it is just a matter of getting organsied to start making more than the odd one here and there.