Thursday 14 April 2011

I have here the Rocking Cradle that my husband made, and the accessory kit that comes with each cradle. I had a little trouble with it, I found using toy filling made it too thick and this made it too narrow to fit the base of the cradle. So I unstuffed it and used quilting batting, which turned out great. The sheets and pillow where perfect. But the quilt I will have to make wider, the length is fine. I guess its not bad for a first attempt. I'll be glad when I get my Embroidery machine then I can just stitch a design on the quilt, like butterflies, etc, instead of trying to work out what to add to it. 

I am also knitting some things for my two unborn granddaughters. I have done 2 pairs of Booties, 2 Beanies, 2 crocheted blankets, and now I am doing the back of one of the dresses. So I have another dress, 2 bonnets and 2 pairs of booties to finish before they start arriving next month and the month after. So I better get a move on I

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful rocker, you and your husband are both very talented.
